We mitigate threats to protect the lives, health and property of our customers. It is a safe environment that will open the way to success.
It's time to remember one crucial thing. Everyone likes to return to places where they feel safe. And how do you achieve this in your facility? At SSI Group, we have a simple recipe. We are visible where prevention is needed. Naproti tomu v lokalitách, ve kterých může přítomnost fyzické ostrahy působit nežádoucí napětí, střežíme bezpečí na dálku pomocí moderních technologií.
Stop relying on luck. Based on more than 30 years of experience, extensive industry knowledge and modern trends, we will design the ideal customized security solution for you.

Physical security
Our experienced security staff will detect potential risks early. They also act as reliable prevention. A pokud ve střeženém objektu přeci jenom nastane krizová situace, mohou okamžitě zasáhnout a minimalizovat škody.
In addition, security guards become a sought-after support for visitors, employees and tenants in your property. By offering advice and practical help, they can turn your premises into an oasis of comfort and security.
Security guards have quite a lot of responsibility on their shoulders, which is why not everyone can hold this position. We pride ourselves on careful selection of employees, continuous training, presentable appearance, correct behaviour and communication.
Special services
Do you have a special request? Contact SSI Group. Your reliable partner with whom you can be 100% sure that they will tactfully help you even in a delicate situation.
As part of our special activities, we will arrange for you with the utmost discretion:
- debt management and recovery,
- solving financial, commercial and legal problems,
- personal protection and individual security based on your exact needs,
- detective services,
- cooperation in the protection of cyberspace and the loss of sensitive data.
What helps us to achieve great results over the long term is that we liaise with solicitors, bailiffs and law enforcement agencies.
Finally, a little reassurance. Of course, we deal with every situation in accordance with the applicable Czech law.
Security assessment
Every problem means unnecessary extra costs for you. Financial, time, operational, but also a threat to your reputation and credibility.
That’s why we focus on prevention. We will identify potential weaknesses at an early stage in the preparation of your new development and investment projects. However, we will also evaluate the operation of buildings already under construction with the utmost responsibility. At the same time, we will advise you on how to save on operating costs based on our extensive experience and comprehensive knowledge.
For every weak point we will propose a suitable solution that will improve your safety and competitiveness. In practice, this means that we have already saved our clients tens of millions of crowns by preparing safety assessments. And we don’t even count the number of wrinkles anymore.
S with us you get a guarantee of maximum safety of persons, movable and immovable property.
Security technology
Pokaždé hledáme cestu, jak vám nabídnout spolehlivé bezpečnostní řešení na míru vašim potřebám za minimální cenu. Proto neustále investujeme do moderních technologií, se kterými naši proškolení zaměstnanci dokážou opravdové zázraky.
Klienti si chválí i náš přístup, kdy se nám daří stlačit náklady používáním kvalitních repasí, upgradů a revizí technologií. Nemáme navíc ani žádného prostředníka. Všechny používané technologie pro zabezpečení objektu sami obsluhujeme a spravujeme, což se pozitivně odráží v konečných cenách za naše služby.
Vždy hledáme jednoduché, levné, ale zároveň maximálně efektivní řešení.
Zajistíme pro vás:
- PZTS zabezpečovací signalizace
- EKV přístupové systémy
- MZS mechanické zábranné systémy
- CCTV kamerové systémy
- EPS požární signalizace
DPPC / PCO and panic buttons
We have the entrusted space under perfect control 24/7. This is helped by our state-of-the-art monitoring and alarm receiving centre (formerly known as PCO). What do you mean by that? It’s a comprehensive security system that combines the latest technology and perfectly trained professionals.
If a potentially dangerous situation arises, we can immediately dispatch response units to the scene and efficiently coordinate all necessary activities in the guarded facility. In the event of a serious threat, we will also alert the fire brigade, paramedics and the Czech Police within seconds.
You can also summon the guards by pressing the emergency button, which immediately alerts the monitoring centre staff to the emergency. This means that we will be your reliable support in any suspected crime, health problems and other crisis situations.
Simply an effective, invisible and affordable security system.